Ordering from and outside the U.K.
If you’re not based in the U.K. you'll probably need to pay import tax/duty when buying a watch (or any product) from Isotope Watches and other U.K.-based brands
Brexit changed the rules and since the 1st of January 2021, this also includes all countries within the European Community.
Prices within the U.K.
For customers in the U.K., all watches/products are priced including 20% of U.K. VAT.
As an example, if our watch is priced at £1,000, U.K. customers will need to pay £1,200 (£1,000 + £200 (20% VAT)
Prices outside the U.K.
For customers based outside the U.K., all watches/products are priced excluding U.K. VAT.
Your IP address will determine the prices you see on our website, but if for any reason you see prices including U.K. VAT, the prices will be updated at checkout, depending on your shipping address.
Isotope Watches Limited will not charge VAT when exporting, but you will certainly be asked to pay import duty and/or tax/VAT by your customs country.
How to pay for import duty/tax
We ship most of our products/watches via DHL Express. As per customs request, DHL will calculate the duty and taxes and they will collect the payment on behalf of your country's customs.
Neither Isotope Watches Limited nor DHL has control or profit over these costs/taxes.
How much do I need to pay in duty/tax to receive my watch?
It depends on the country you are based in.
Please see the examples below based on a £1,000 watch. These values are only a reference as they vary depending on the watch cost, and they might not be updated.
Within the U.K.
20% tax (GBP 200), is included in the price.
0% duty (GBP 0.00) + 0% DHL's handling fee
European Comunity Countries
Approx. 15%-24% tax (GBP 150 – GBP 240)
0% duty (GBP 0.00) + DHL's handling fee
10% tax (GBP 100)
0% duty (GBP 0.00) + DHL's handling fee
5% tax (GBP 100)
0% duty (GBP 0) + DHL's handling fee
5% tax (GBP 50)
8% duty (GBP 80) + DHL's handling fee
13% Tax (GBP 130)
20% Duty (GBP 200) + DHL's handling fee
10% tax (GBP 100)
5% duty (GBP 50) + DHL's handling fee
South Africa
15% Tax (GBP 150)
0% Duty (GBP 0) + DHL's handling fee
United Arab Emirates
5% tax (GBP 50)
5% duty (GBP 50) + DHL's handling fee
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email us: info@isotopewatches.com